
In House Courses: ASBG can tailor make your in-house training to suit your needs.

Below is an indicative table showing the popular topics chosen for training.
Most training is bespoke, fitting the content and length of the training or work to the clients requirements.
Many other topics can be delivered but are not shown below.
Call ASBG on (02) 9453 3348 Sydney to discuss your training requirements.

ASBG Consulting: ASBG also offers bespoke consulting work.  See our capability statement below.


List of In-house Course Topics



Course Length

Dangerous Goods, GHS and Hazardous Chemicals

Usually half a day training is required to meet the Workplace Health and Safety legislation for the Storage and Handling of Dangerous Goods and Hazardous chemicals.

Half day
One day
Or combined with other courses

Pollution Incident Response Management Plan Training and Testing

PIRMP Training and testing is a legislative requirement for all NSW environment license holders. ASBG's has a standard package to take participants through the training requirements and subjected to a competency test. This is followed by a tailor made incident scenario where participants are required to physically combat a spill incident and manage it according to environmental laws. A report on the test drill and post briefing outcomes is prepared to assist in the required updating of your site's PIRMP. Competency certificates are provided to those who pass the test.

Half day combined

Environmental Training

Courses tailor made to cover detail from shop floor to the board room. Overview of environmental laws, policies, pollution law, contaminated land, environmental management including ISO 14001 training.

ASBG can run state specific versions of this course in all states and territories across Australia.  Recently we have also added New Zealand to our coverage of environmental legislation and management to this comprehensive training set.

2 hour
Half day
One day
Two Days

Waste Management Training

Courses covering the complex NSW waste laws, classification, tracking, disposal and application and use of exemption. General waste management, hazardous wastes and special waste (eg asbestos) can be included as well as resource recovery exemptions, waste minimisation and packaging covenant issues.

2 hour
Half day
One day

Wastewater Treatment Training

Courses covering various laws (water pollution and sewer acceptance) and the methods in which to treat waste waters for acceptable discharge to watercourse, sewer or wastewater reuse.

Half day
One day
Two Days


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