What does membership provide?
The ASBG subscription will provide your organisation with:
- Sustainable Business Weekly - A tailored weekly snapshot of the latest information on a range of environment and energy issues, customised to the areas of interest to business, including:
- Changes to Federal and State regulations
- Government initiatives and assistance programs
- Trends in Best Practices on environment and energy management
- Industry case studies on environment and energy activities
- Global trends and information in what's happening around the world
- Training, Information & Education events, with a 20% to 25% discount
- Discounted consultancy rates for Environment and Energy Services
ASBG Policy and Reference Group
An opportunity to influence the regulators through the development of policies and submissions, and meet and network with industry's main environmental managers and policy makers.
If you are a member company and cannot recall your password, please contact ASBG on:
- (02) 9453 3348
Passwords will be issued on membership or on application to ASBG.
Subscribing to ASBG is on a company, not an individual basis. This means one membership (linked to the company's ABN) covers all employees within that company.