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Update: Environmental Law and Policy Webinar - 18 - 20 March 2025
NSW Waste Classification and Laws Workshop Part 1: 24-26 March 2025
Environment Practitioner's Management Workshop - 2 & 3 April 2025
Recorded Webinar Payment link:
Some ASBG courses permit you to attend part of the function such as the morning seminar or the afternoon workshop.
To contact you if there is an issue
Enter your fax number. This is used as a backup if there is a problem with the email address or phone number supplied
Note all correspondence will be via this email. Please add in other information if additional CC'ed emails are required.
You must claim any discount rate here by indicating which member or client you are associated with. Also add in any additional instructions such as invoicing to another party or please include these additional delegate's email addresses etc.
Do not use spaces, only numbers. Note registrations and cards are processed manually to remove duplicates and errors.
If you are not a member but claim a discount you must provide details of the other company or membership in the Other information box. Otherwise a non-member rate will be charged. Please enter in your estimated $ (no decimal) for this booking. .
Selecting "yes" means you agree to be sent other ASBG event information via your email supplied.
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(c) Copyright 2016 Australian Sustainable Business Group (ASBG Pty Ltd), ABN: 71 100 753 900