Australian Sustainability Business Group (ASBG)
ASBG realises some people are unsure about providing their personal details to businesses. Below, we explain how we use your information and how we protect your privacy.
INFORMATION WE REQUIRE: For us to process a booking for you, we require some information from you. This includes your name, nationality, your phone numbers, your mailing and email addresses. Additionally we need to know your rental and lift pass requirements and your bedding requirements. For the purposes of allocating rooms and beds we need more specific information from you. Notably if you book to share a double bed, we need to know who within your booking you plan to share the bed with.
SUPPLIERS: ASBG often has to forward your personal details onto our suppliers, for example: the venue, the accommodation agent or owner, etc.
YOUR EMAIL ADDRESSES: ASBG operates on an opt-in email address database for all attendees at our events which is on the registrations page. In addition all our promotional materials have an opt-out provision.
YOUR PERSONAL DATA: ASBG will not share your personal data (including your email addresses) with any third party without your consent. Exceptions are noted within this policy. We will divulge your data if it is needed to assist in legal matters or in the case of aiding law enforcement officials. If any of our suppliers wishes to recover legal damages from you, we will provide them with your details.
EMAIL SPAM, SMS SPAM, JUNK MAIL: We will not divulge your details to any third party that is going to send you email spam, SMS spam, or send you junk mail.
CREDIT CARD SECURITY: Credit card details are gathered when you are on a secure server. This secure server, in which data transfer is encrypted using SSL, means that information is transferred securely between your computer and ASBG and that no third parties can intercept and read and use the data. The padlock symbol on your browser indicates you are on a secure server.
HOW WE USE YOUR INFORMATION: We only use your information directly for the use, needs and operation of ASBG and only give such information in a reasonable manner to 3rd parties (such as to suppliers). We may use the information you provide us with to occasionally to inform you of news or new services & products of ASBG.
SELL OR GIVE-AWAY INFORMATION: We never give-away or sell your personal details to any third parties unless we are legally required to do so, or when it is necessary for the operations of our business as noted above.
If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Policy, please contact us.
Australian Sustainabile Business Group is the trading name of ASBG Pty Ltd - ACN 71 100 753 900