3 x 1.1 hours
Review recorded version at any time on-line for 4+ months
Keep up to date with your environmental compliance obligations
This recorded three session webinar provides a cost-effective and efficient way of learning the latest environmental law developments. It is also designed to ensuring legal risk registers within your Environmental Management System (EMS) are brought up to date. You will learn about key changes and emerging developments in state and federal environmental legislation relevant to environmental aspects and risks of your business operations.
Businesses and organisations need keep up to date with new environmental legislation to avoid costly surprises. Also those operating an ISO 14001 EMS must establish, implement and maintain procedures to identify and access legal requirements applicable to their environmental aspects and risks. The Environmental Legislative Update webinar helps your businesses achieve this.
Who Should Benefit?: Environmental managers and professionals responsible for national compliance will find this course useful to cover your national obligations. The webinar is scheduled to be viewed live over lunch, so you can eat and learn. Also useful for ensuring your ISO 14001 legal registers are up to date and meet auditor’s requirements.
Webinar Content:
Session 1: NSW Environmental Law Updates Facilitator: ASBG CEO, Andrew Doig
- Draft Climate Change Policy and Action Plan
- NSW Clean Air Regulations 2022 Review
- Increase in package types for Container Deposite Scheme
- EPA’s Financial Assurance Policy
- NSW Groundwater Strategy
- Contaminated Soil Sampling Guidelines
- Protection of the Environment Operations (General) Regulation 2022
- Review of EPA’s Resource Recovery Framework
- POEO (General) Amendment (Thermal Energy from Waste) Regulation
- Waste issues: Capacity
- NSW EPA Financial Assurance Policy
- New EPA Approved Methods for Air, Water and Noise
1: Victorian Environmental Laws Update:
- Environment Legislation Amendment (Circular Economy and Other Matters) Act 2022
- Draft Environment Protection Amendment (Banning Single-Use Plastic Items) Regulations 2022
- Vic EPA has gazetted limits for selected PFAS contaminated soils
- Environment Protection Amendment Act and Regulation and its implementation issues
- Greenhouse Guidelines under the GED
- Circular Economy (Waste Reduction and Recycling) Act 2021
- Waste framework including management of hazardous waste
- Implementing the new Permits and Registrations requirements
- Determination of Use for waste
2: Queensland Environmental Laws Update:
- Increases in Landfill Levy
- $2.1b waste and resource recovery package
- Updated Energy from Waste Policy
- Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy
- Updated - Estimated Rehabilitation Cost (ERC) Guideline
- Guideline - Prevention of fires in waste stockpiles
- Regulated wastes - classification and tracking
2: South Australian Environmental Laws Update:
- McLaren Vale landfill - no to PFAS cell
- Waste Levy collection policy
- Current grants and funding
- Environment Protection (Waste Reform) Amendments
3: Other States and Territories:
- ACT to stop natural gas
- Tasmanian Waste and Resource Recovery Bill with new waste levy
- Sandy Ridge Class V landfill open
3: National, Federal & NZ Laws:
- Climate Change and Climate Change (Consequential Amendments) Bills 2022
- EU-NZ Trade Agreement - environment and circular economy feature
- Australia’s State of the Environment Report
- Australia to adopt Climate-Related Disclosures (CRD) of financial information from large company
- Australia’s National & State Hydrogen Strategies
Live Webinar - Note this webinar will be also recorded for viewing anytime after the event for registered delegates.
The main benefit of viewing it live is to ask questions, receive answers. All sessions are recorded for webinar viewing later.
Time: Webinar on demand - Sessions recorded for viewing at any time login and password for the webinar - access until at least March 2023
Venue: At your computer desktop - requires 5 Mbs download rate - best to use Chrome internet browser
Price: Members $120 Non-Members $145
Register and pay by Credit Card or Register and be invoiced