3 x 1 hour Sessions
How to Manage and Negotiate your Environment Protection Licence
What are the Recent Legislative Changes that will affect Licence Holders
This webinar will cover management, legal and practical issues in dealing with Environment Protection Licences (EPL) and its variation. Learn what an EPL is for and what industrial activities and sub activities it applies to. ASBG's webinar will over 3 session cover what sites require an EPL, typical conditions and what is required to meet them, but also how to write the documents so your site has more control over how it complies with the EPL and other environmental law. Too often ASBG sees poor EPLs where significant monitoring costs and conditions are applied or difficult to manage conditions place considerable liability on the site. Using better negotiating practices can greatly help in avoiding difficult conditions.
If your site is about to expand capacity or close to an EPL threshold, this can impact your EPL and may trigger planning consent requirements. Learn what an EPL is for and how important it is to identify the land, activities and production limits it covers. Monitoring is another area which can lead to excessive and unnecessary costs. EPLs are often varied by the EPA if a site has had an issue or raises their concerns, with punitive results. How to set up the sites environmental management practices to minimise the risk of EPL non-conformance. The webinar will also focus on how to negotiate your variations to your EPL conditions.
A number of significant changes are in the pipeline under the POEO (General) Regulation 2022, which will affect EPL fees, conditions and capture of new activities. Find out if your site is vulnerable.
Key issues addressed include:
Session 1 - Introduction to Environment Protection Licences (Facilitator: Andrew Doig)
- Introduction to Environmental Protection Licenses
- Triggering EPLs and interpreting Schedule1 POEO Act
- License conditions, what are they and which ones are most important
- Monitoring under your license - how to get the most from monitoring
- Risk Based Licensing - getting a lower risk level and what does this means
Session 2 - Managing EPL limits, conditions and new changes coming
- Use of EM Systems and due diligence to manage EPL obligations and avoid potential prosecutions
- When you need to vary your production up - EPL and planning conditions:
- EPA inspections, audits and investigations - how to manage such events
- Case studies on difficult EPL Conditions:
- Monitoring - types of monitoring to avoid
- Site coverage - when EPL ignores part of your site and storm water management systems
- Cutting a better Pollution Reduction Program
- Recent changes from the POEO (General) Regulation 2022 and how it affects licences, both new and current
Session 3 - Licence Variations and how to manage these
- Minimising and managing complaints from neighbours
- Immediate reporting of pollution incidents and PIRMP use
- Load Based Licensing: How it works and what is planned
- Interpretation and management of licence conditions
- Negotiating environmental licence conditions and new requirements
- Use of appeals on EPL conditions
Facilitators: Andrew Doig CEO, ASBG
Once registered you will receive access to our Webinar provider, a login and password.
When: A any time - recorded sessions
Venue: Webinar: At your computer with > 5Mbs download speed. Login details via Crowdcast.io to be provided on registration.
Cost: $120 (ASBG members) or $145 (Non Members)
Note the webinar is recorded and can be downloaded at any time and replayed like a YouTube video.
Attending at the live broadcast time means you will be able to ask questions and receive immediate feedback.