ASBG Advanced Waste Webinar Series

Dealing with Resource Recovery Orders and Exemptions (RRO/E) can be a fraught area given the outcome of recent court decisions.  This advanced webinar is designed to help environmental and waste professionals on RRO/Es  to avoid such legal traps. It also covers where they apply and how they work and also where to consider applying for a Specific RRO/E from the EPA.  The webinar starts with the definition of waste as it applies to RRO/Es. RRO/Es coverage of both land application and use as a fuel is explored.  Detail the roles of the producer and consumer and the liabilities for both.  Tips on how to avoid liability when making and receiving RRO/ E wastes. Consideration of  sampling and concentration compliance issues, tracking and use documentation.

Webinar Agenda: Session 1 :

  • Definition of waste: as it applies to RRO/Es and the impact of the EPA v Grafil CCA case
  • When does a recycled or reused waste not require a RRO/E and when does it?
  • What is land application and use as a fuel in detail

Session 2 :

  • When to apply for a Specific RRO/E
  • Roles of producer and consumer and their liabilities
  • Minimisation of liabilities by good management structures
  • Compliance issues and documentation
  • Questions and discussion
Facilitator: Andrew Doig CEO, ASBG 

Time:                   Anytime to view the recorded webinar
Venue:                 Webinar: At your computer with > 5Mbs download speed.  Login details via to be provided on registration.
Cost:                    $70 (ASBG members) or $85 (Non Members) includes notes

Note the webinar can be downloaded at any time and replayed like a Youtube video after the live event.

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