ASBG has developed a simpler version of its Dangerous Goods Workshop specifically designed for general staff and contractors.

It all starts with chemical awareness and leads into hazardous chemicals and how to protect, identify, handle and store them.

What are Dangerous Goods and hazardous chemicals and who decides this?
What is the Globally Harmonized System, its labelling and classifications?

This webinar is split into three sections a bit over 1 hour each covering

  • Chemical characteristics using DG and GHS pictograms
  • Basic overview of DG classes
  • Labelling of GHS hazardous chemicals
  • Work Health and Safety laws
  • Using Safety Data Sheets for PPE and information on a chemical
  • Handling of chemicals
  • Basic storage rules – cabinets and storage depots
  • Incompatible storage

Copies of the slides used will be emailed to the participants after the final session.
A competency test is provided, which will be marked and those reaching competency will be given certificates of competency

Time:                   Any time after receiving the login and password details
Venue:                 Webinar: At your computer with > 5Mbs download speed.  Login details via to be provided on registration.
Cost:                    $90 (ASBG members) or $115 (Non Members) includes notes
Competency test: A competency test and certificate is available at an additional cost of $25 per applicant

Note the webinar can be downloaded at any time and replayed like a Youtube video.

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