26 JULY 2018, SYDNEY
This seminar will review the many environmental legal obligations on holders of Environment Protection Licences (EPL) with the EPA and others, such as the Risk Based Licensing system, Pollution Reduction Programs and Pollution Incident Response Management Plans (PIRMP), expected compliance and future regulatory changes. It will also explore the compliance requirements by the Department of Planning and Environment in relation to Planning Consent conditions and how this aligns with EPA’s compliance programs for EPL compliance To help sites better manage such environmental obligations ASBG offers this seminar and workshop covering the following:
Morning Seminar: Environmental Compliance - 8:30 am to 12:10 pm:
- Regulatory Services Division, EPA
Compliance requirements for licence holders and updates on recent and proposed changes to environmental laws and policies - Compliance and Investigations Section, Department of Planning and Environment
Compliance with development consent requirements - Liz Wild, Partner, Norton Rose Fulbright
A legal view on dealing with licenses and planning consent conditions - Bryan Beudeker, Manager Environment, Delta Electricity
Views of managing an EPL from an industrial activities perspective - Andrew Doig, CEO ASBG
Emerging issues for EPL holders and good management practices for compliance and future changes
Afternoon Workshop: Managing Your Environmental Compliance and Environment Licence - 1 pm to 4:45pm:
- Environment Protection Licenses: triggers, Schedule 1, waste licences, key risk areas
- Risk based licensing, website monitoring data and Pollution Incident Response Management Plans
- Pollution Reduction Improvement Programs and special conditions- how to negotiate and manage them
- Use of EM Systems and due diligence to manage EPL obligations and avoid potential prosecutions
- Negotiation of EPLs and use of different techniques through to the appeals process
Price: Seminar Workshop Both | Time: Seminar 8:30 am to 12:10 pm |