What are Dangerous Goods and hazardous chemicals and who decides this?
What is the Globally Harmonized System, its labelling and classifications?

This workshop will answer the above questions and equip attendees on how to store and handle hazardous chemicals to
minimise risk largely through the use of Australian Standards and various risk management practices and thought processes.

Workshop: A half-day workshop designed to help participants understand how to go about storage and handling at acceptable risk levels under
the Workplace Health and Safety laws covering:

  • Overview of dangerous goods and Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
  • Classification Hazardous Chemicals under DG and GHS covering all 9 DG classes and additional GHS classifications
  • Use of the Australian Dangerous Goods Code 7.5th edition for classification and  packaging groups
  • WHS Legislative requirements for workplace storage and handling of Hazardous Chemicals
  • Documentation: Notification and manifest requirements to SafeWork NSW and Fire and Rescue
  • Labelling for GHS and Safety Data Sheets
  • Labelling differences between transport and workplaces
  • Introduction to the use of Australian Standards for DG depot design
  •  Overviews of bunding, separation distance and incompatibility
  • Case study review and assessment

Use of Australian Standards for Hazardous Chemical storage is discussed as generic starting points.  Alternative
storages which are not compliant with AS are are considered and when they can be applied.

Dates: Thursday 31 May 2018
Time:  8:20 am (Registrations) for 8:30 am to12.30 pm
Chatswood Club, Level 1, 11 Help Street, Chatswood
Cost:     $285 (ASBG
Members) or $345 (Non Members)


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