Environmental Industrial Noise Workshop - 1 March 2018

Noise is a major source of complaints and affects planning decisions. Learning what the new noise criteria is an essential part of managing a site's environmental compliance or getting that development proposal approved.

ASBG teams up with the EPA and GHD to overview the way noise pollution is measured and assessed with a focus on the basics of environmental noise. It will then explore the EPA’s Noise Policy for Industry (NPfI), which is the updated version of the older Industrial Noise Policy (INP). The seminar will include the following issues: 

  • Measurement of environmental noise in basic terms:
    • Definition of noise and sound
    • What are decibels and how to add and subtract them
    • Meanings of LA90, LAeq, LA10 and Lmax descriptors
    • Managing extraneous noise, what is it and how to remove it
  • Main changes from INP to the NPfI
  • NPfI’s Intrusiveness Criteria:
    • Obtaining the Rating Background Noise (RBL) level and minimums
    • Minimum RBLs
  • NPfIs Amenity Criteria - how it works and when does it apply and how it differs from the INP
  • Threshold levels are exceeded, what does this mean?
  • Mitigation and management of noise
  • New minimum RBL noise levels
  • Dealing with neighbours and noise complaints

ASBG members:      $285
Non-Members:    $345

Time:     8:15 am rego. 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
      1 March 2018
Venue:    Chatswood Club Level 1, 11 Help Street, Chatswood

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