10 August 2017, Sydney

This seminar will review recent changes to NSW environmental laws including the Load Based Licensing Review and other proposed changes covering contaminated land, licensing and pollution law changes.  It will also cover the many other environmental requirements have been tied to the EPL, such as the Risk Based Licensing system, website monitoring data publishing and Pollution Incident Response Management Plans (PIRMP).  EPL holders are also exposed if too many neighbours complain.  Pollution Reduction Programs or Monitoring Network requirements can be also imposed as a result. To help sites better manage their EPL this seminar and workshop covers the following:

  • Overview of Environmental Protection Licenses — a legal overview
  • Load Based Licensing and the implications of its review
  • The regulator’s advice on compliance and managing your EPL
  • A license holders tips and issues in managing your EPL
  • Overview, advice and tips on the Risk Based Licensing program
  • Impacts of facing the $15,000 Penalty Infringement Notices
  • Where do you need a license – what are the thresholds and recent changes
  • License conditions, what are they and which ones are most important to focus on
  • Monitoring under your license - how to get the most from monitoring
  • Preventing and managing complaints from neighbours
  • Immediate reporting of pollution incidents and PIRMP use
  • How to negotiate changes to your EPL conditions

A Morning seminar featuring speakers from ASBG , Delta Electricity and Baker McKenzie will cover the new issues.
An afternoon workshop will take you through the details of managing your Environmental Protection License.

This seminar and workshop is sponsored by Henry Davis York

ASBG members: $385
Non-Members: $485

Time: 8:40 am rego. 9 am to 4:45 pm
Date: 10 August 2017
Venue: Baker McKenzie, L27, 50 Bridge Street, Sydney

Register and pay by Credit Card or Register and be invoiced


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