2 Session Webinar series - Recorded Version
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Keep up to date with your environmental compliance obligations
This two part webinar provides a cost-effective and efficient way of learning the latest environmental law developments. It is also designed to ensuring legal risk registers within your Environmental Management System (EMS) are brought up to date. You will learn about key changes and emerging developments in state and federal environmental legislation relevant to environmental aspects and risks of your business operations.
Businesses and organisations need keep up to date with new environmental legislation to avoid costly surprises. Also those operating an ISO 14001 EMS must establish, implement and maintain procedures to identify and access legal requirements applicable to their environmental aspects and risks. The Environmental Legislative Update webinar helps your businesses achieve this.
Who Should Attend?:
Environmental managers and professionals responsible for national compliance will find this course useful to cover your national obligations. The webinar is scheduled to be viewed live over lunch, so you can eat and learn. Also useful for ensuring your ISO 14001 legal registers are up to date and meet auditor’s requirements.
Webinar Content:
Day 1: NSW Environmental Law Updates Facilitator: ASBG CEO, Andrew Doig
- Load Based Licensing – Proposed Changes
- Clean Air for NSW impacts for businesses
- Amendments to the POEO Act, proceeds from environmental crime protocol, new PINs, minor schedule 1 changes
- Changes to waste legislation: Repeal of the Proximity Principle, asbestos waste changes, waste Grant programs, waste levy increases and Recovery Exemptions and the Container Deposit Scheme
- Contaminated Sites Compliance Statement
- Industrial Noise Guidelines update on the Industrial Noise Policy
Victorian Environmental Laws Update:
- New energy-from-waste fund and grants
- High Court Challenge on PIW transport interstate & actions taken
- Victoria tightening Ambient Air Targets
- Environment Protection (Scheduled Premises and Exemptions) Regulations 2007
- State Environment Protection Policy (Waters) review
- Review of SEPP N-1 (Noise)
Day 2: Queensland Environmental Laws Update:
- Cross border volumes of wastes in to Queensland
- Chain of Responsibility Guidelines and what they mean
- Ban on Underground Coal Seam Gasification
- Review of Regulated Waste
- Review of Financial Assurances
South Australian Environmental Laws Update
- Local Nuisance and Littering Act and Regulations
- SA new Environment Protection (Air Quality) Policy 2016
- Draft Environment Protection (Waste Reform) Amendment Bill 2016
Other States and Territories
National and Federal Laws
- Waste levies across Australia the states which are zero and others going above $100/t
- PFOS and PFOA summary across Australian jurisdictions
- NEPC Update: Ambient Air NEPM, Environmental Risk Management of Chemicals
- Review of Australia's climate change policies
Recorded Webinar - Note this webinar will be also recorded for viewing anytime after the event for registered delegates.
The main benefit of viewing it live is to ask questions, receive answers. The Q & A session will also be recorded for each session.
Time: When you have time to view the recorded version
Venue: At your computer desktop - requires 5 Mbs download rate - best to use Chrome internet browser
Price: Members $170 Non-Members $200
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