This workshop is designed to help organisations come up to speed on the complex area of waste classification and management. Both the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 and the POEO (Waste) Regulation 2014 establish considerable legal controls on the generation, transport, treatment and disposal of wastes. Center to these laws is the definition of waste and its classification. The workshop will include the following issues:

  • Definition of waste
  • Illegal: transport, landfilling and pollution of land offenses
  • Impacts of the new POEO(Waste) Regulation 2014: Proximity Principle, Scheduled waste Facilities, Immobilisation document changes and other relevant changes
  • Waste classification using the 6 steps:
    • Covering all types of wastes from hazardous, trackable, liquid, asbestos to non-putrescible
    • Use of dangerous goods classifications for hazardous wastes
    • Chemical assessment use of CT and TCLP tests and where to apply them
    • Immobilisation what is it and where to use it
  • Use of Resource Recovery Exemptions and Orders: where they apply and what to do to implement them
  • Waste licensing requirements under schedule 1 POEO Act
  • Asbestos: management and tracking of asbestos wastes
  • Waste tracking, waste codes, intra-state and interstate and the EPA's on-line system

This workshop is sponsored by

ASBG members: $275
Non-Members: $330

Time: 8:15 am rego. 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Date: 19 May 2015
Venue: The Chatswood Club, 11 Help Street, CHATSWOOD

Register and pay by Credit Card or Register and be invoiced


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