Contaminated Land Update Conference

28 May 2015 - Sydney

This conference is specifically aimed at assisting land owners, environmental professionals and others dealing in contaminated land management to get them up to speed on the current issues. This conference will cover:

  • A regulator’s overview of recent changes and new developments under the CLM Act and other directions
  • A legal review of contaminated land legislation and how it works with a focus on property transactions
  • Overview of the development of the National Remediation Framework
  • Dealing with vapour affected buildings and infrastructure
  • Overview of the legal risks of managing contaminated land and transfer liabilities
  • Roll out of the NEPM schedules - is it progressing as well as it should?
  • Hydrocarbon impacted soil treatment in a new off-site waste facility
  • A land owners perspective on dealing with contaminated land issues, regulators and consultants
  • Dealing with asbestos impacted land and the options available for its management
  • Contaminated soil management options – reuse, landfill, containment and dealing with hazardous soils

The conference's agenda includes:

  • Matthew James, Manager, Contaminated Land Section, EPA
    Contaminated land regulatory issues for NSW and the implementation of new regulatory and policy changes
  • Bruce Kennedy, , CRC Care
    National Remediation Framework and other CRC Care actions
  • Nick Brunton, Partner, Henry Davis York
    A legal perspective on contaminated land legislation; its implementation and implications for property transactions and land valuations
  • Adrian Heggie, Principal Contaminated Land, WSP Group
    What can be done with contaminant vapours exceeding NEPM HILs under existing infrastructure where remediation is not possible
  • Annette Nolan Technical Manager and Nick Cowman, Business Development Manager, Enviropacific Services
    Dealing with hazardous and asbestos impacted land - cost effective and feasible remediation solutions
  • Colin Roberts,, National Environmental Manager, Caltex
    Hydrocarbon contaminated soil treatment facility —a cost effective and environmentally attractive waste soil management option
  • Peter Ramsay, CEO, Peter Ramsay and Associates
    Rolling out the NEPM – improvements, complexities and road blocks
  • Kate Cole, Manager Occupational Health and Hygiene, Thiess
    An occupational hygienists’ perspective on remediation using PAHs and asbestos as examples
  • Andrew Doig, CEO, ASBG
    Waste management practices for contaminated land under the NSW’s new waste laws

This conference is sponsored by Henry Davis York (HDY) and supported by ALGA.


Date: Thursday 28 May 2015
Time: 8.20am (Registrations) for 8:30 am to 4.05 pm
Venue: Henry Davis York, L10, 44 Martin Place Sydney
Cost: $395 (ASBG & ALGA Members, and HDY clientele) or $480 (Non Members)


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