Wednesday, 2 December 2015,

L27, 123 Pitt Street, Sydney

This is a conference to cover recent current and proposed NSW environmental legislative changes with a strong focus on waste. It will discuss how they are implemented and what the steps are and what new changes are coming. While waste issues dominate, there are other changes affecting environmental licence holders.

Key areas to be discussed include:

    • Roll out of the POEO (Waste) Regulation 2014 - license thresholds, asbestos and more
    • Container Deposit Legislation - progress and details
    • Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals reform
    • Implementing the Risk Based Licensing scheme
    • Load Based Licensing Review
    • Dealing with community issues

The conference's agenda includes:

  • Tim Moore, Acting Justice, Land and Environment Court
    The sentencing process for environmental offenses, and merit appeals in the Land and Environment Court
  • Stephen Beaman, Director Waste Reform and Strategy, NSW EPA
    Overview of waste legislative changes and what are the next steps
  • Patrick Ibbotson, Partner, Maddocks
    A legal overview of the recent environmental legislative changes and the consequences focusing on waste issues
  • Bryan Beudeker, Environment Mgr, Delta Electricity
    Impact and issues on managing large industrial site with environmental licenses and other current issues
  • Anne Prince, Director, A Prince Consulting
    WasteAid, other recycling programs and community consultation
  • Ben Lim, Environmental Engineer, Botany Industrial Park
    Dealing with environmental regulatory issues across a series of complex sites and the Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals legislation reform
  • Ken Holmes, CEO, KMH Environmental
    Environmental and waste challenges facing business and government agencies
  • Andrew Doig, CEO, ASBG
    A business perspective on the impact of new waste laws including asbestos waste and the roll out of Risk Based Licensing and other changes

This conference is sponsored by Maddocks

Date: Wednesday 2 December 2015
Time: 8.40am (Registrations) for 8:55 am to 4.40pm
Venue:Maddocks, 123 Pitt Street Sydney
Cost: $395 (ASBG, NSW BC members & Maddocks clientele) or $495 (Non Members)

Register and pay by Credit Card or Register and be invoiced

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