9 December 2015 - Sydney

This conference is specifically aimed at assisting land owners, environmental professionals and others dealing in contaminated land management to get them up to speed on the current issues. This conference will cover:

  • A regulator’s overview of recent changes and developments: Reporting Guidelines, use of accredited contaminated land consultants and more
  • A legal review of contaminated land legislation and how it works with a focus on property transactions
  • Dealing with vapour intrusion, measurement and risk management
  • A land owners perspective on dealing with contaminated land issues, neighbours and consultants
  • Certifying contaminated land consultants - how it works and will it assist?
  • PFOS and its environmental issues, but what are the fire fighting alternatives?
  • Cleaning up coal gas works sites and coal tar contamination
  • Dealing with asbestos management and asbestos waste issues and regulation
  • Contaminated soil management options – reuse, landfill, containment and dealing with hazardous soils

The conference's agenda includes:

  • EPA, Contaminated Land Section
    Contaminated land regulatory issues and developments including Reporting Guidelines and use of accredited contaminated land consultants
  • Tony Scott, Senior Principal Environment, Coffey
    Changes to the Contaminated Sites Reporting Guidelines, update in dealing with asbestos impacted sites
  • Liz Wild, Partner, Henry Davis York
    A legal perspective on contaminated land legislation; its implementation and implications for property transactions and land valuations
  • Paul Saeki,
    Contaminated land consultant accreditation scheme and other CRC CARE actions
  • Jackie Wright,
    What can be done with contaminant vapours exceeding NEPM HILs under existing infrastructure where remediation is not possible
  • Cameron Penny, Sydney Trains
    A land owners views on dealing with contaminated land, contractors and the local community
  • Mike Williams, Willson Consulting
    PFOS and its issues, but what are the alternatives?
  • Adam Fletcher and Charles Grimson, Ventia
    Advance and state of play in coal gas works remediation
  • Andrew Doig, CEO, ASBG
    Asbestos containing materials and asbestos waste what are the differences and issues and other contaminated soil waste concerns

This conference is sponsored by Henry Davis York (HDY)

Date: Wednesday 9 December 2015
Time: 8.20am (Registrations) for 8:55 am to 4.40 pm
Venue: Henry Davis York, L10, 44 Martin Place Sydney
Cost: $395 (ASBG & ALGA Members, and HDY clientele) or $495 (Non Members)

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