This is a follow up conference to cover the key NSW environmental legislative changes over the last year. It will discuss how they are implemented and what the steps are and what new changes are coming.
Key areas to be discussed include:
- Immediate Reporting of Pollution Incidents (IRPI) to five government agencies – possible modifications to streamline this requirement
- Publication of Monitoring Data (PMD) prominently on environmental licence holders websites — additional flexibility arrangements and compliance follow up
- Pollution Incident Response Management Plans (PIRMP) preparation, testing and implementation — what are typical gaps, compliance auditing and testing and training on PIRMPs
- Implementation and policing of these and possible future changes
The conference will contain a number of views to assist you in improving your compliance including:
- The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) will provide an update on their program to implement police and modify the new requirements
- Sydney Water, who have introduced the most significant change to its Trade Waste Policy since it waste introduced in 1988
- Legal views on the new legislative requirements
- Views from consultants involved in preparation of PMD and PIRMPs
- Advice from corporate environment managers in implementing these issues
- ASBG who has been involved in the negotiation of the above issues which has lead more flexible arrangements and how you can take advantage of them
The agenda includes:
- Mark Gifford, Chief Environmental Regulator NSW EPA - Overview of the new legislative changes and what are the next steps and changes to come
- Stuart Harvey, MHF Team, NSW Fire Brigades -Hazardous incident response– Reporting incidents to NSW Fire and Rescue and preparing for major incidents
- Dave Channings, WorkCover NSW- Risk management, notification and reporting requirements in managing hazardous chemicals under the WHS Regulation 2011
- Andrew Kirikwood, Sydney Water - Sydney Water’s new trade waste policy and what it means for industrial customers
- Liz Wild, Partner HDY - A legal overview of the impacts of the recent environmental and health and safety legislation on incident response and emergency planning
- Andrew Smith, SKM - Managing construction sites EPLs and the impact of the new environmental reporting requirements
- Neil Rosser, Tomago Aluminium - A company’s perspective on complying with the new environmental reporting and incident management plans legislation
- Raelene Oliver, Consultant - Training and testing the PIRMP Plans — the next steps
- Anthony Saunders, Envirosure & Andrew Hookings, XL Insurance -Incident insurance – what cover to get, how can it help, costs and what to do
- Andrew Doig, ASBG - A business perspective on the future direction of immediate reporting, publication of monitoring data and PIRMPs
Dates: Wedesday 5 December 2012 (Sydney)
Time: 8.15am (Registrations) for 8.30am to 4:45 pm
Venue: Henry Davis York, L10, 44 Martin Place, Sydney
Cost: $395 (ASBG, NSW BC Members and HDY clients) or $495 (Non Members)
Options include:
- Downloading the pdf flyer and faxing the registration to ASBG on (02) 9383 8916 and we will bill you
- Click on the on-line registration button to register with the option of credit card payments or billing you
Download the program details and registration form, or
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