3 X 1.1 Hour Webinar
Includes the OCSE's Asbestos Recommendations +
Doubling of all fines & $4m RROE max fines
This workshop set is designed to help contaminated site and environmental professionals come up to speed on the complex area of waste classification, resource recovery & waste laws, with a focus on waste contaminated soils. NSW environresourcemental laws establish a complex set of legal controls on the generation, transport, re-use, recycling, treatment and disposal of wastes. There are many pitfalls and administrative processes that abound in the management of wastes in NSW. It will also cover asbestos changes, impact of the doubling and more of NSW environmental fines on waste management. The webinar is run over three x 1.1 hour sessions] and will cover the following areas:
- Definition of waste - waste is very broadly defined, but how broad?
- Illegal waste activities: transport, landfilling and pollution of land and new round of fines
- Overview of the POEO (Waste) Regulation 2014: Scheduled waste facilities, immobilisation approvals and other relevant changes
- Waste licensing requirements under Schedule 1 POEO Act
- Using SEPP 55 for permission to shift contaminated soils
- Transport conditions for bulk waste
- EPA’s On-site off site rule, when it applies and when not
- Asbestos, measurement, classification, tracking of asbestos wastes and changes coming
- Use of Resource Recovery Orders and Exemptions - new increased penalties for non-compliance up to $4m
- Brief overview on sampling requirements to achieve EPA acceptable 95%UCL
- Hazardous Waste classification:
- Covering hazardous, restricted, trackable, liquid
- Chemical assessment: use of CT, SCC and TCLP tests and where to apply them
- Immobilisation: Applications for specific Immobilisation Contaminant Approval
- Waste tracking: the new Integrated Waste Tracking Solution changes covering hazardous waste. interstate and new requirements for asbestos, tyres
Notes of the seminar and certificates of attendance will be issued to attendees.
Facilitator: Andrew Doig CEO, ASBG
Time: At any time as the webinar has been recorded
Venue: Webinar: At your computer with > 5Mbs download speed. Login details via Crowdcast.io to be provided on registration.
Cost: $135 (ASBG/ALGA members) or $150 (Non Members) includes notes
Note the webinar can be downloaded at any time and replayed like a Youtube video.