How compliant are your storages of Dangerous Goods with SafeWork NSW Codes of Practice?
Are your stores and packages containing Hazardous Chemicals compliant with GHS labelling?
Is your documentation - notification, risk assessments, Emergency Plan and ESIP up to date?
This workshop will answer the above questions and equip attendees on the classification, documentation,
labelling & storage of hazardous chemicals.
The workshop will go through the practical storage requirements largely through the use of Australian Standards.
It will also use a fictitious factory so you can identify poor DG storage and corrective actions.
Workshop: A half-day workshop designed to help participants in classification, documentation, labelling and Storage System Design
of DGs and GHS covering:
- Overview of dangerous goods and Globally Harmonized System (GHS)
- Defining Dangerous Goods and GHS substances – cross-over & additions
- Classification Hazardous Chemicals under DG and GHS covering all 9 DG classes and additional GHS classifications
- Use of the Australian Dangerous Goods Code 7.8th edition
- Use of GHS 7 – changes from version GHS 3
- Overview of Safework NSW’s Code of Practice Managing Risks of Hazardous Chemicals in the Workplace December 2022
- Notification and document requirements to SafeWorkNSW & Fire + Rescue
- Labelling of Workplace hazardous chemicals Code of Practice overview
- Labelling differences between transport and workplaces
- Design covering good storage practices including:
- Bunding or spill containment based on Australian standard & sources
- Separation distances to buildings and DG depots depending on volumes
- Assessing incompatibility – avoid storing or mixing reactive chemicals
- Packages storages including cabinets and minor storages
- Introduction to the use of Australian Standards for DG storage depot design:
- AS 1940 Storage and Handling of Flammable & Combustible liquids
- AS 3870 Storage and Handling of Corrosive substances
- AS/NZS 3833 storage and handling of mixed classes of dangerous goods, in packages
- Other AS covering compressed gases, LPG, etc.
- Workshop – Assessing DG storage issues using a fictitious factory site
Use of Australian Standards for Hazardous Chemical storage is discussed as generic starting points. Alternative
storage which are not compliant with AS are are considered and when they can be applied.
When: Note the webinar has be recorded so you can view it anytime
Webinar: At your computer with > 5Mbs download speed. Login details via to be provided on registration & payment.
Cost: $100 (ASBG & ALGA members) or $125 (Non Members)
Register here with Credit Card Payment Register and receive invoice