ASBG welcomed the NSW Office of Chief Scientist and Engineer's Asbestos Discussion Paper. ASBG answered the 12 questions making 5 recommendations. On thresholds and screening levels, ASBG suggested 6 types of beneficial reuse methods: burial, soil amendment, in bonded materials, as a fuel, output streams from asbestos treatment processes. Under the option of burial, ASBG put forward 4 levels. The highest concentration level to be deep buried with a cap etc. A lower concentration level with a smaller cap, use in foundations, and surface exposure. Obviously risk assessments will be required to determine the airborne exposure risk of fibers over time. Use as a soil amendment can already be based on the contaminated site criteria, this could be extended for non-food agriculture if the soil has other beneficial properties.
ASBG recommended OCSE use a suitable independent 3rd party to prepare appropriate documentation, test methods etc. supported with research for beneficial use of asbestiform materials and contaminated soils etc.
ASBG raised the recent increases in asbestos waste fines to $4m, pointing out this is causing issues for Resource Recovery Orders and Exemptions, requiring urgent attention. However, this may require legislative changes to the POEO Act, which is a political decision and would be difficult.
Finally ASBG identified that asbestos treatment systems are commercially available , such as the UK. Also an Australian company MCi is operating a serpentine carbonation plant in the Newcastle area. As serpentine can contain 5 -15% white asbestos, the NSW asbestos waste criteria can make difficulties in its operation and legal selling of carbonated serpentine. OCSE should note there is a tension between asbestos waste and greenhouse gas sequestration methods.