ASBG responded to the on-line questions put forward on the 20 year waste strategy, clarifying and repeating many of its prior positions on such issues. Designing waste out of products requires good recycling infrastructure first before such actions can be commenced. Given the current high turmoil in recycling such design is very difficult for many products. Also requiring change is the low tolerances set for recycled products, with the presence of asbestos cited as an example which is very difficult to demonstrate. ASBG calls for a more cooperative balance between recycling and environmental protection enforcement and clearer pathways for reuse and recycling of wastes which replace raw materials in processes. NSW also requires a new planning and operational pathway for innovative waste infrastructure as the current system works strongly against such development. Also the planning system needs to better address the NIMBY syndrome which affects all levels of waste infrastructure Need for better recycling of waste levy moneys back into the waste generation and management sector, noting businesses pay about 65% of the waste levy. NSW's Energy from Waste Policy requires to be rewritten and broadened to include a wide variety of EfW processes and to also make it more cost effective and minimise its obstructional requirements.