ASBG commented on comment on the Council of Australian Government’s Banning exports of waste plastic, paper, glass and tyres discussion paper.
In general ASBG considered the Waste Export Ban somewhat confusing in how it will achieve the outcomes consistent with the National Waste Policy's circular economy principles. ASBG members indicated the WEB will simply result in much of the exported recyclates being landfilled in the short term. Paper and cardboard is most affected with 1.2 MT being currently exported and with the closure of Australia largest newsprint mill in Albury, about half of old newspapers will only be recyclable overseas.
ASBG recommends modifying the value-adding criteria to recognised bona fide recyclate which has a positive value and meets international standards and country acceptance criteria as being products and not wastes. This is supported by the Hazardous Waste (Export and Import) Act which defined waste as materials to be disposed of. The Commonwealth may also play a gatekeeper role where export countries with suspect environmental credentials require additional assessment and approval.