ASBG submission largely provided advice and reasoning recommending the Commonwealth expand and increase funding for its work under the National Waste Policy. Consequently, ASBG provided a list of guidance actions for the Commonwealth to consider to address the issues under the inquiry's terms of reference. Key focuses on recycling, the waste levy and methods to reduce the costs to waste generators was provided.  The bunt instrument of the waste levies were discussed with a position they are too high and can lead to perverse outcomes.  Methods to divert waste from landfill were discussed including bans, levies, contamination threats and international market threats.  ASBG considered demand for recycled products were under supported by Governments and further assistance in this area is required.  There are many other points made to progress better measurement and management of wastes.  However, without the support of the NEPC the National Waste Policy will tend to be a weak influence.


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