This submission covers DECCW's NSW Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy, Discussion Draft: Strategic Directions and Implementation Plan 2011–2015 (the Plan). and also the recently released Richmond Review of Waste.
ASBG also includes attached to this submission our NSW Waste Policy which specifies our members views on the future direction of the management of wastes in NSW.
Overall the Plan left out many of the Richmond reviews enhancements, which were largely supported by ASBG. In addition ASBG supplemented and identified additional issues captured by the Richmond review. It is anticipated that most of the Richmond review and ASBG recommendations will be taken into full consideration. Other Key points raised includes:
- Need for improved consultation with business — a separate stakeholder.
- Examples are provided where red tape dumping can be reduced by further discussion with businesses.
- The need for more certain planning outcomes for waste infrastructure, e.g. special planning zones for landfills, Energy-from-Waste (EfW) plants and other waste infrastructure.
- The need for new landfill capacity.
- Support for a national one-stop-shop on standard waste data, collection, measurement and definitions.
- Issues with the waste levy including:
- Little allocation of levy moneys back to support waste management.
- Its negative impacts on the recycling industry and this sector’s need for a support program to counter the impacts of the increasing levy.
- Interstate cross boarder movement of wastes driving other jurisdictions to increase their levies to match or exceed NSW raising further economic inefficiencies in waste management.
- Increased support from levy funds for waste streams in proportion to their levy revenues.