The Ambient Air Quality National Environment Protection Measure (AAQ NEPM) sets standards for air quality across Australia.  If these standards are not met then the local state government, through its environmental agency is required to introduce controls to attain the standard.  Changes to the AAQ NEPM are being considered that focus on how and when an environmental agency is to act rather than what are acceptable air quality limits.

Use of 'exceedences' above set limits is the main way in which the NEPM requires action.  Some air pollutants have a permitted number of exceedences before the NEPM standard can be considered to have not been met.

ASBG's submission focused on the following four issues:

  • Removal of the permitted number of exceedences of the standard which was not supported if the current exceedence approach is to be continued to be used
  • Permitting 'exceptional' and 'natural' exceedences to be excluded from consideration of meeting the NEPM requirements. This was strongly opposed as it meant that governments could continue to ignore that they can control air emissions from such events such as prescribed burns, bush fires and dust storms.
  • How exceedences should be reported and considered, which ASBG offered advice on improving the reasons and actions to deal with exceedences.
  • Are there alternative methods - ASBG discussed this issue in detail promoting a proportional approach be used. This would also involve multi-departmental and multi-jurisdictional cooperation to manage air quality in a proportional and cost effective manner.


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