ASBG Articles

A draft technical note on Landfarming to prevent offences are not committed under the POEO Act, especially s120, 128(2) and s142A.  ASBG is concerned about the notes' position on air emissions are too restrictive.

Download this file (Landfarming Draft Technical Practice Note.pdf)Lanfarming Technical Notes Draft2681 kB

This report was provided to ASBG by a member as it contains interesting research on the impact of a proposed waste levy on the steel recycling industry in Victoria. 

On the surface most people would consider a waste levy would support recycling, but in fact the reverse is true.  Why? Because a levy increases the cost of recycling as all recycling generates a waste stream.  Hence, recycling where a levy applies is more expensive than where it does not.  The attached 2007 report states it costs the Victorian steel recycling industry $783,000 annually for each $15/t of waste levy added.  In additional the report also provides the highly negative environmental outcomes of replacing scrap steel with virgin materials. 

The issue then becomes an economic one based on long haul transport.  Export of steel recyclate (the input stream to steel recycling plants) to China is becoming more close to the tipping point. 

How environmentally perverse would that be.  Exporting scrap recyclate to China, when NSW has a major steel industry!

Note this is a large file, 9 Mb, please use this link to down load the report.

Member companies are increasingly feeling the impact of the waste levy. Many are seeking possible relief from the new waste exemption provisions. However, the internal politics within the DECCW make the use of exemptions a rocky and unclear path which may result in naught even following considerable work.

Attached is an ASBG article on this issue which was discussed at ASBG’s last Waste Laws Seminar in September 2010.  A shorter article will also appear in Inside Waste.

This article contains a brief overview of the cross over of Dangerous Goods storage and handling requirements and waste managment.  Dangerous goods especially affects the classification of waste in NSW and other jurisdictions.

It also identifies the significant change coming with Australia adoption of the Global Harmonised System for the classification and labelling of dangerous goods and hazardous substances.


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