ASBG has prepared many educational event discussing waste and resource recovery issues. Centre to these are NSW's Resource Recovery Orders and Exemptions (RRO/E). Related and similar in nature are Queensland's End of Waste Codes (EoWC). While these legal instruments work in practice they can be complex documents requiring detailed sampling, analysis and assessment against criteria. As a consequence, applications for specific RRO/Es and EoWC can be time and resource intensive, though once approved they do permit resource recovery. A major challenge for Government is getting the balance right between environmental protection and resource recovery. Currently the balance is completely over on environmental protection first, resource recovery second. Application of such instruments do not seem to be focused on the agronomic needs, but more on what are the lowest reasonable limits that can be achieved given the source of the material in question. While this is reasonable for some application such as generic use of a material anywhere within the state, specific instruments should also consider their application for degraded farmland where increased mineral, pH and natural organic matter is needed.
ASBG has a number of reference document below which are of current interest in this area.