Andrew Doig, Chief Executive Officer
Andrew is one of the founders of ASBG and is the Chief Executive Officer. Andrew is well respected by industry and government as an industry lobbyist as well as an excellent trainer and public speaker. Andrew has a wealth of knowledge with over 30+ years in the environmental field with a chemical engineering background, with over 25 of these as an industry avocate. He has held powerful positions on Government committees and is a past Board member of the Waste Service of NSW. He holds a BSci Chem Eng from Uni NSW.
Contact details: ASBG P/L, 31 Lady Penrhyn Drive, Beacon Hill NSW 2100
Ph (02) 9453 3348, Mob: +61 407 238 258, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stefan Mielewski, Chief Marketing Officer
Stefan had a long career of 30+ years in both marketing and advertising. His clients have included Woolworths -The fresh food people, Frasers Property, Kumagai Gumi, Ogilvy Australia and many more. He has left his mark on many Australian products some of a number of which are in continued use.
Contact details: ASBG P/L, 31 Lady Penrhyn Drive, Beacon Hill NSW 2100
Mob: +61 419 403 176, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Taline Stephan, Sydney Office
Taline is our NSW Business Manager and has experience in office management and in the finance area. For all NSW accounts and bookings please contact Taline.
Contact details: ASBG P/L, 31 Lady Penrhyn Drive, Beacon Hill NSW 2100
Ph (02) 9114 9502, Mob: +61 422 908 375, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.